NaRaYa Umbrella
Show your identity in a different and stylish way. NaRaYa Folding Umbrella, Signature Pattern of NaRaYa.
It stands out with exquisite fabric printing and beautiful, sharp, unique patterns, making you look more stylish on rainy or sunny days. It also makes using your umbrella more fun and interesting. Comes with a hard case and a cloth envelope that has the same pattern as the umbrella.
Product details:
- Umbrella fabric made of polyester material
- The handle and structure are made from aluminum material
- Protects against UV light and rainwater
- 5-part folding system
- Size when unfolded 96 x 56 centimeters
- The product comes with a cloth envelope and umbrella box.
Dimension(LxWxH): 7.5xx6.5x21.5 cm.
Weight: 0.4 kg.

NaRaYa Umbrella
Sale price ฿580.00